
Here are some cool websites, friends and other things!

Rgz Roman Zolotarev

The brains behind the wonderful utility ssg and pass. He posts how-to articles on everything web-hosting related and has a mini-series on running OpenBSD on bare metal!

Luke Smith Luke Smith

Luke Smith is the reason I decided to embark on my internet landchad quest. It’s because of him that I decided to run Linux, set up a website, and generally just dab on libtards. He doesn’t need the shout-out from me but this list would just be totally incomplete without him.

LandChad.net LandChad.net

A website dedicated to turning internet peasants into Internet Landlords by showing them how to setup websites, email servers, chat servers and everything in between.

Denshi Denshi

Denshi’s personal website. He makes videos and music on the internet and spends his spare time working on projects like his website; anything that makes him understand computers better. He also hosts a wiki with all sort of useful stuff on it.

Wownero Wownero.xyz

A website Denshi made to inform people about Wownero, an innovative fork of Monero.

Sun Knudesen Sun Knudsen

Sun Knudsen’s persinal website. He is a privacy and security researcher, blogger and technologist. He also makes Youtube videos and hosts reference material along with some blogs on this site.

Wolfgang Wolfgang

Wolfgang’s personal website. He makes videos about computers, Thinkpads, Linux/Unix and other stuff.

Konstantin Nazarov Konstantin Nazarov

Konstantin Nazarov’s personal website. He is a software engineer that makes tech related videos.

DT DistroTube

DistroTube.com is a site created by Derek Taylor (DT), creator of the DistroTube (DT) video channel on YouTube and Odysee (LBRY). He create videos about GNU/Linux, free software, open source software and related interests.

Monstro Monstro

Monstro’s personal site. He also has a PeerTube instance and a Matrix homserver.